pirmdiena, 2012. gada 5. novembris

Iesniegtās esejas

     Nowadays almost everyone understands that people spend too many resources. We need electricity, gas, oil, wood and water, but there are more and more green thinking people every day. Our generation talks more and more about consumerism so I am sure that there has to be a breaking point, when everything will change, and this moment is not in distant future. 

     I think our children will live in a different way. Future will not be full of technologies and robots will not rule the world. There are a lot of better perspectives and one of them it turning back to nature. And if I could choose the destiny of our world, I would like to see it completely natural. In about fifteen years there will be too many nature disasters and pollution level will increase. People will understand that they must change everything on our planet or we will have no place to live, because the Mars and the Moon are still inappropriate for living.
     In 2062 people will be a bit like hippies. They will not dress like hippies or listen to the same music, though it will be popular too. But the main way of thinking will be that the Earth is not just a big ball with hot liquid filling but a living organism. People will realize that they need to help it because exactly people are illness of our planet. People will be very careful with unnatural things. For example they will stop using oil and gas in 2028 and the biggest part of our children will not be able even to imagine that they could use non-renewable resources of energy, because they know that Mother Earth hurts and we must not do wrong to her.
     Technologies will develop just to lessen consumption of energy. There will be more powerful computers and fast personal helicopters too, but only very rich people will be able to buy them, because they will have to pay very high taxes for them. And the society will not even respect those people. The main goal will be to save environment with any tools and methods.
     In fifty years a lot of people will be happier too. Almost everyone will have some animals at home, but they will not be like out pet dogs or cats, but they will be injured wild animals. People will take them home and care for them till they are healthy again. It will be very popular, especially in families with children, so children will learn to care about animals from their early days. And it will help to increase their love to people. Animals will be a good way for everyone to learn new things about the world and everyone living in it. It will make mankind more human.
     Families will be closer too. Every day there will be a family dinner, when everyone will sit at one table and eat together and talk about different events in their life. It was tradition years ago and in the future it will be important, too. People will play table games in the evenings, read books and go travelling together. It will be as natural as eating or breathing because the family will be very valuable. It will not be because of Christianity or other religions because they will not be as important as nowadays, but people will feel that exactly their own family is the place to look for love, support and help. It will be a very strong tradition, because the society will follow traditions very much.
     Sometimes it will be difficult too, because people in families are different and everyone is a personality, but psychology will develop fast, so it will be one of things which are important in the society, because people will have to care about members of their family and they will not be able to do that without some help. So psychologists will be specialists who help to make difficult things and situations easier.
    On the streets there will not be flying machines or other futuristic transport. One scientist will invent a flying car, but it would be too bad for environment to use it, so this invention will be soon forgotten. There will be a plenty of bicycles on the streets. Children will learn to ride a bike at the same time when they learn to walk, because people will go on bikes everywhere - to their workplaces, schools, shops, cultural events. Some of them will have hydrogen cars too, but they will not use them very often. It will not be necessary. There will be a public transport too and it will be cheap and well developed, so people will use it to travel between cities or countries. The planes will be expensive because scientists will not be able to make them nature friendly.
     Education and culture will be pretty important, too. At school students will use small and not very powerful computers, because they will be meant to be ecological, not highly developed. Education will be different than now - children will learn in groups divided by their abilities, not by age like it is now, and helping each other in learning will be very important. The main goals of education will be to learn how to be nature-friendly, to learn how to search for and use information in a different ways and to learn traditions and culture.
     Cultural events will be very important in society - children will go to the theatre, concerts, cinema and museums from the very young age. They will read books too, but these books will be on the internet, because paper books take too many resources to make them. So people will be educated and a big part of them will go to the universities too, but the education will be different from nowadays.
     Maybe our generation has a different view on the future of the world, but I would like to see our planet in the fifty years that way, because I think that environmental problems are huge today and in the future people will have to change something to keep our planet a good place for living, because we can’t move to the Moon or somewhere else. The Earth is our home and we have to care about our home and keep it clean, because we want our children to live here, too.

    Līga Pauliņa


    In the past of our civilization and in the history of mankind there are many mistakes we would like to correct, but cannot.  Most people would like to know who they will be in the future, but someone would like to change something that happened in the past. Nowadays we don’t have any devices to travel in time, so we can only dream about time travelling. However, if we could travel in time, what would we do?
     Let’s try to imagine that we travel in time as far as year 2062.
     Now we are here, in the future, and what do we see? Do all people live in peace and there are no wars? I hope!
     Technology is becoming better and more powerful, but what about the society? People grow old and become very lazy, because there is nothing to do - every little thing is being done by the robots.
     People forget about their life in the past, they lose the link to their traditions and culture. People look like machines which only care about how to survive and nothing else. They forget about friendship and love, honour and their parents’ dreams. They don’t think about how to save Earth, how to protect it from destruction.
     The natural resources of the planet are going to end and soon human civilization will die...
          It’s very hard to see these pictures and later we understand that it would be much better not know what is waiting for us in the future.
     If we don’t do anything to change ourselves and our attitude to life now, nothing will be changed in the future.
     We need to protect our world form laziness, lies and wars; we need to construct strong policy and to deliver it to the next generations.
    In my opinion, it’s the only way to see ourselves happy in the golden future of 2062.

    Julija Kravcova


    I think that almost all people have thought about the future, how it will look like, how we will live, about technology development. This topic is very exciting and full of different viewpoints. Everyone has their own, different opinion about future.
    In year 2062 I will be a 67-year-old lady. I will be a lady, who has a lot of experience. I will live in Latvia, but until that time I will have the experience of living in different countries, for example, Finland, Canada and Germany. I will live in different countries, because my future profession is a pharmacist, and to be good at this profession I need to improve my knowledge, and live in different countries and studies in different universities will help me. Also with the help of travelling I will learn languages, because I think in future mastering languages will be very useful. I will also improve my English, because English is the most popular language of international communication.
    I think that the society will be more loyal than nowadays. I hope that in 2062 will be neither wars, no any disagreement between nationalities and countries, xenophobia and prejudices. I think that people will be more interested in politics in future, and the politicians will be more faithful than now, also I think that politicians will be elder people than they are now. The main task will be to make people more friendly and helpful, with the aid of friendliness prejudices and stereotypes will disappear, people will be more loyal to those with different skin colour, frictions between Muslim and Christian world will also disappear.
    I think that the society will think more about environment, how to lessen pollution, and produce less waste. People will use environmentally friendly energy sources, for example, solar panels, wind generators and other. People will also be more technologically minded, because technologies will progress, many things will be impossible without technology, life will become easier, and people will become a little bit lazier, but it is not bad in my opinion.
    This topic is very entertaining and inexhaustible, and every time when we think about this topic we will find new ideas and thoughts about it. I liked to think about future, and I think that in 2062 I will remember this essay and compare my thoughts with the reality of 2062.
    Kristīne Kitoka


    It’s been a long time since I have realized that living is very interesting. It’s truly amazing, that we can live and don’t know what to expect in future. New day is starting and you can only imagine how many surprises it will bring you.
    The most incredible thing, I think, is looking back into the past and seeing that you have changed, your character has been changed in some way. I have wondered about that a lot of times, but I have never thought about myself in future. What to expect? How my world, my character will change in 10, 20 or even 40 years from now?
    Only 50 – 60 years ago, people thought that in year 2000 there will be flying cars, a lot of robots and everything will bet electronic and mobile. But they were wrong. So my opinion about how the reality will look in year 2062 isn’t that hopeful.
    I think that there will not be very modernized living. Just as it is now. Changed will be only people. There will no prejudices and xenophobia in the society. Everyone will appreciate everyone’s look, religion or family status.  People will value a person’s character, experience and honesty much than they do now. Their lives in will be full of different experiences, travels and feelings, and so will be mine. In some way I will be like every old person – slow, peaceful and wise.                
    Maybe then if the prices will still be rising, politicians will be telling lies to their electorates,  I will tell my grandchildren that when I was young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders...  
    But anyway in 2062, when I will be old, my life would not stop, it will continue and I will enjoy it in all the ways I can.

    Monta Lipšāne

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